Our 200% Money Back Guarantee
If you are not completely satisfied at the end of your home inspection, not only will we refund your home inspection fee,we will also pay for another licensed home inspector of your choice up to the original inspection fee!
We are so sure that you will love our service and our professionalism that we're willing to give you this pledge!
With our 200% guarantee now you can move into your new home with total confidence and peace of mind!
How many home inspectors in the Poconos, Lehigh Valley, Allentown, Bethlehem, and Easton PA areas do you know who are this confident in their work?
How many companies offer what we do and care this much about your satisfaction?
*Requirements & Conditions
If you are not completely satisfied at the end of your home inspection, not only will we refund your home inspection fee,we will also pay for another licensed home inspector of your choice up to the original inspection fee!
We are so sure that you will love our service and our professionalism that we're willing to give you this pledge!
With our 200% guarantee now you can move into your new home with total confidence and peace of mind!
How many home inspectors in the Poconos, Lehigh Valley, Allentown, Bethlehem, and Easton PA areas do you know who are this confident in their work?
How many companies offer what we do and care this much about your satisfaction?
*Requirements & Conditions
- Client must attend the entire inspection.
- Client must inform the inspector during the inspection that they are not satisfied with the inspection (as opposed to not being satisfied with the home itself) in other words, I did not inspect the home according to the ASHI standards.
- Client must sign, in the inspectors presence, a release from liability form to initiate the money back guarantee process.
- Offer applies only to buyer inspections of single family homes under contract with a licensed real estate agency.
(Or send us a text message at 570-977-3556 or contact us online.)